October,  2024

St. Matthew Lutheran Church

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Holy Communion is offered every Sunday

We offer the common cup as well as individual cups

Please be sure to sign the Record of Fellowship folder located in the pews. 


It remains the goal the Board of Elders and the Church Council to ensure that our congregation remains healthy as well as faithful and encouraged. The care and comfort of souls is our foremost goal at all times.

We remain united to make sure that all people at St. Matthew stay connected and cared for.  If you know of anyone in need or if you would like a phone call or visit from an elder, please call an elder:

Don Hinds: 231-564-0611
Ed Sell: 734-625-1390
Jerry Hummel: 231-676-1483
Chuck Smith:  231-384-5406

Jesus says: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid" (John 14:27). It is important to remember and it is pure grace to take comfort in the fact that God is for us and He will sustain us through all things. The peace Christ gives us always (even in difficult or uncertain times) is a certain kind of peace that comes only through His mercy toward us, and salvation by means of His death and resurrection! This is a kind of peace that neither the world, illness, or any other situation can take away from us since Christ Himself is the one who gives it. Take comfort that God will continue to give us this day our daily bread and will deliver us.

Below are some resources you may find helpful. They are links to some of our local LCMS congregations who have the ability to live stream their worship services and post their sermons online. Please take advantage of these resources especially if you are unable to attend worship at St. Matthew.

Christ, Boyne:     www.clcboyne.org/sermons

Zion, Petoskey:   www.zionlutheranpetoskey.org/onlineworship

Trinity/Mt. Hope, Gaylord/Grayling: 


A Congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
211 E. Hinman Street 
P.O. Box 469
Mancelona, Michigan  49659
Church Office: 231-916-2555
Church Email:  stmatthewmancelona@gmail.com
